Monday 17 June 2013

Amazonic weekend

Yaguas indigenous community

The Yaguas are distributed on both sides of the amazon river in Peru and Colombia

The Yaguas indigenous community do not use clothes, they  used loincloth, had their faces painted with a fruit. 

The Yaguas invited us to dance the dance of the crab with them...

He is Walter our guide in Yagua territory,  teaching us the  types various of trees

Some kids of community used clothes because they have lost their habits or because the turists them give clothes to kids  and they like.
Some pictures Amazon river since our boat!
The Amazon river has a length of 7062 km, is the longest and mightiest river in the world. 
Very most that Nilo river

Way to Ronda Island

Located to 2 km of Leticia.

In the afternoon we were to the Ronda Island to see the buffalo

The monkey Island

Explanation by the guide about the care of the monkeys and the food that we can give them. 

  • not shout
  • not take the monkeys
  • not hit them  

  Ideal place to play and feed these primates 

 Mono ardilla

 Puerto Alegría- Perú

School puerto alegria

 Victoria Regia 

Aquatic plant
The sheet  biggest of the world

 Manatee rescued

Manatee  drinks milk every hour

Carlos, is responsible for feeding and caring for two years the baby manatee.

And finally...

 A friend and a picture since my bedroom in  the hotel Amazon! 

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Founded in 1689, San Gil is 324 years old.

In 2004, San Gil was named the touristic capital of Santander.
It has endowments of the nature in places like waterfalls, rivers, natural caves, rocks, mountains and parks that offer many opportunities for practicing extreme sports.

It is a nature reserve located in the heart of San Gil on a 4 hectares island surrounded by the Fonce River and the Curití creek.

It is filled with wild flowers, massive ceiba trees of which hang long beards of moss, many paths and bridges, and beautiful sceneries. 

Is the main river passing through San Gil.
The rafting trip begins 11kms upriver from town and takes around one and half hours on the river.
This is a great experience to enjoy in family or with your friends.

This is one of the four caves that the region offers at the tourists.
It is located in the town of Curití, near to San Gil.

These caves feature a number of large saloons and of tight sections as well as the path of bats.
This cave is quite attractive by the number of beautiful formations of stalagmites and staligtites.


Twenty kilometers from San Gil you will find a true natural paradise.

 There are ladders and ropes to help you climb.

During the trip you will find impressive natural showers and wells in which you can swim.

     It has a height of almost 180 meters and ends in a well of sublime beauty called The Daydream.

(Abseiling or Rappelling)
Abseiling down them is a personal challenge to overcome the fear that height causes which in the end is an experience that brings much joy and delight.

    Is near the town of Curiti with a view towards the Chicamocha Canyon.

                                                            You will fly for between 15 and 20 minutes
                                                                       depending on the climatic conditions

    The expert guides will take you soaring with the 
    eagles and if you want they will make you spins.

                                                                          Enjoy the scenery flying through the air.

   This sleepy small town was given the title of " Colombia 's town most beautiful" 
   Declared a National Monument in 1975.

                                                                          The Templo Inmaculada Concepción
                                                                                        was built in the 18th century.

    Founded in 1705 Barichara hasn't changed much with
    its stoned streets and white colonial houses.

                                          It has a wonderfully peaceful and a bohemian atmosphere.

    Santa Barba Chapel.
    Barichara is famous for handicrafts in stone.

                                                             The colonial balconies adorn the streets.

     A small park dedicated to the main art 
    form Barichara is known for: stone sculpture    
    From the park it is possible to contemplate the beauty of River Suárez basin.

                                                         It is decorated with beautiful plants and trees.

    It was created in 1998.
    It features 27 statues carved by artists of 11 countries.

It is considered a natural wonder of the world.
This paradise place is a visual spectacle.

The Chicamocha Canyon is the result of a geological accident and it is bathed by the river with same name.
With a depth of approximately two kilometers, this canyon is deeper than the famous
Colorado Canyon.

It include cultural spaces as the Museo Guane, the Expositions Room and the monument to
Santanderean culture.

 There are parking spaces, viewing decks, and plenty of trails and spaces for the goats and ostriches.

The park features an aerial tramway that crosses the Chicamocha Canyon.